5th & 6th Grade MCBA Book Discussion 🦉

Wednesday, December 185:00—6:15 PMGlass Town Room (Room 1)Sandwich Public Library142 Main St., Sandwich, MA, 02563

Massachusetts Children's Book Award

Book Discussion

is a book club for children in grades 5 and 6,

who love to read and talk about books.....and eat pizza!

 Once a month, September - April, we will meet to discuss the selected book for that month.

This month we are reading "Shark Summer" by Ira Marcks.

This book club is not taking new registrations.

Pick up a copy of this month's book (at the Children's Room Desk) to read before the next meeting.

Once you have successfully registered, you are registered through April.

Sponsored by the 

Friends of the Sandwich Public Library.

Book Club is Full