"Read and Take Flight" Event: Minecraft Moon Hunt ⛏️💎

Thursday, July 183:00—5:00 PMGlass Town Room (Room 1)Sandwich Public Library142 Main St., Sandwich, MA, 02563

TD3 Innovative Gaming


Minecraft Moon Hunt

Navigate the Moon Maze labyrinth, battle each other with bows and arrows in Solar Flare, 

and tackle the Many Moons Build Challenge by constructing creative moon-themed structures.

Space is limited. Please register.

If you have a tablet that you can bring (that can access Minecraft), let us know in the registration.

The more people that bring their own devices, the more people can participate.

Generously Funded by the

Sandwich Kiwanis Levreault Trust

with additional support from the

Friends of the Sandwich Public Library

Registration for this event has now closed.